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Home Cases Food Kimco


Kimco NV is one of Europe’s biggest carrot processing companies. Each year hundreds of hectares of carrots are grown in Belgium and the Netherlands. Kimco also processes onions, garlic and shallots for national and international markets.

From June to December crops are harvested fresh from the fields and carrots are transported from the field to the processing facility in Dendermonde.
In order to ensure availability of carrots all year round, large volumes are harvested in late autumn and stored at 1°C in the refrigerated unit in Fernelmont.

The packed carrots are transported from Dendermonde in the company’s own refrigerated lorries and delivered just-in-time to national and international markets.

The three branches are managed jointly by the brothers Kris and Marc De Kimpe. With its permanent staff of forty, a little over 40 million kilos of carrots are produced each year as well as 8 million kilos of onions for the fresh produce market.

Kimco opted for Deprez Construct.

When building a new refrigerated warehouse in 2009, the company also looked into how to modernise conveyance to the two processing lines.

Based on different studies and proposals, Deprez was commissioned to supply all the equipment for bulk and crate delivery, as well as for the removal and buffering of the soil.

The goal is clear: optimal flexibility-quality of machinery with maximum care and attention for the carrots - minimum forklift truck traffic (i.e., minimum crate damage and maximum safety).

Testimonial: Kris De Kimpe

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2 x 30 Ton-hours sorting and tracking boxes Transporting empty boxes to different filling stations Contact

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