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Home Cases Food Automatic box supply

Automatic box supply

As a leading packager of consumer potatoes for Belgian wholesale distribution, all the internal 'potato transport' in boxes via automatic transport. An expansionwas recently added: incoming potatoes in boxes are immediately placed 2 high by lorries and atuomatically bufferd. In accordance with the production planning, the right buffer is the unstacked and transported to the box tippers. Finally, the empty boxes are stacked 6 high and automatically bufferd on roller conveyors, awaiting transport to the supplier. Each box in the company can be followed by visualising it on a Scada system. This expansion fits in the corporate vision of using fork-lift trucks as little as possible and guaranteeing maximum traceability.


Filling boxes non-stop with the "Maestro" The Little Potato Company had his automated facility designed by Deprez Contact

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