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Home Cases Food Filling boxes non-stop with the "Maestro"

Filling boxes non-stop with the "Maestro"

This machine makes it possible to fill boxes non-stop at a rate of up to 100 tonnes/hour. The supply of empty and removal of full boxes required occurs with only one fork-lift- truck. The empty boxes are transported in piles of 3 to 6 high.

The MAESTRO carries out the following actions:

1. Unstacks emptyboxes
2. Feeds the potatoes, onions, carrots, etc.
3. Fills the box from a minimum height for the product to drop.
4. Buffers whilst box are being changed.
5. Stacks full boxes

The machine only requires electric motors = no oil or compressed air!

The MAESTRO is easy to operate via a touchscreen.

The result:

  • a very high capacity
  • Low energy consumption


  • Only one fork-lift truck required
  • No damage to product or mounds of product
  • Less damage to the boxes
  • Boxes that are stacked perfectly straight

Available: For every size of box, whether wood or plastic

Version: Fixed or mobile

Option: covered


Filling boxes with potatoes, storage and emptying during packaging (1) Paul COOL Contact

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